Ground Screw Foundations for Support Units
Case Study

Jak’s Den, Livingston

Ground screw foundations for three bespoke pods for Team Jak Foundation as practical, social and emotional support units.

Urban Pods

Livingston, Scotland

Product Solutions
36 nr. RADIX PRO 76x1250 Ground Screws for pods
9 nr. RADIX PRO 76×1050 Ground Screws for decking

Install Team

No More Digging Scotland

Ground Screw Foundations for Support Units


Jak’s Den offers emotional, social and practical support to children and young people aged up to 25 with cancer and related illnesses from all over Scotland.

Solid foundations were needed quickly due to constraints with the project programme. From the initial survey to the completed installation, we faced only ten days before Urban Pods were erecting units.

A sloping site with varying ground conditions required a versatile foundation solution.

Ground Screw Foundations for Support Units


Site survey, ground screw foundation design and layout created in conjunction with the client to suit the bespoke built pods.

45 RADIX Ground Screws were installed within two days, each unit of 15 screws installed level and stepped progressively as the site levels changed, ready to build on without delay.

This was our first project with No More Digging and they didn’t disappoint. We were on a tight deadline to install our pods to allow other trades to progress. Installation was completed and we were erecting the following day. We’ve never looked back since, using No More Digging and their ground screws for our projects all over Scotland.
- Ross Iwaniec, Urban Pods